My Mistakexx Podcast

Mark Olschefskie - Trusting G-d Over Google When Diagnosed w/ Cancer

Chris Cianciulli, Sean Rosenfeld Season 1 Episode 48

In episode #48, Chris interviews Mark Olschefskie. They first met each other around thirty years ago while growing up in the same small town in Connecticut, went to the same schools, went off to college, got jobs, met incredible women that later married them, started families, and planned for promising futures ahead!

Along the journey of life, Mark received some concerning news from his doctor, following some stomach discomfort and bloating issues.

This interview addresses things we avoid thinking about, can't imagine, don't want to discuss, and scare us as human beings.

The bravery, courage, confidence, and faith that Mark exhibits in this interview is nothing short of amazing! His outlook on the situation he's facing, how he provides assurance for his young children to prevent them from worrying, the love he has for his wife, and his unshaken faith are all reasons why he will become your hero after listening to this episode.

*-This is a very emotional interview. Listeners will learn so much about Mark, but will also be confronted with the very "normal" question, 

"What would I do if this were me?" 

Thank you to Mark Olshefskie for taking the time to share your story with us. This interview will inspire more people than you may realize at the moment, and also offer comfort and connection to others around the world experiencing something they never could have expected or predicted. We are all thinking and praying for you! (A special thanks to Mark's beautiful wife Kristin for convincing him to do this interview) 

Mark Olshefskie -


 *A special thanks to our sponsor. 

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